R packages

at 28 February 2006

I have now installed a R package repository on our webserver.
The main reason was, that I wanted a R repository, such that our courses data package
can be installed straightforwardly using the install.packages funtion.

In the directory on our web server


findes en subdirectory structure
bin > windows> contrib > 2.2
and in the lowest direcotry you find
1) zip filen af den datapackage datRep we use in our courses
2) PACKAGES file, that is just a file containing the contents of the DESCRIPTION file of
the packages in this directory.

You access the directory from the net via:

It is possible to install the data-package from R by

We need to discuss how we mange the package repository in future.

Whenever a new -zip file is added to the directory, the PACKAGES file has to be updated.

Someone adding a package has to do two steps

a) copy his zip file to
b) running the function write_PACKAGES of the tools package


I think, this functions has to be executed in R on the unix machine.

(At the moment I do everything on my PC and copy everything to the web-sever)

I hope that my initiative was not too premature.



Anonymous said...

hello, where can i get glmfun package? it is not available in install.packages("glmfun",repos="http://gbi.agrsci.dk/statistics/software/r/packages")

yours sincerely


Ulrich Halekoh said...

Hej Alejandro,

the package 'glmfun' was used in a former generalized linear model course.

The package is no longer provided.

