AMORPH – Agricultural practise – mobility, availability and retention of phosphorus in soils

at 08 August 2007

The project will focus on the potentially mobile dissolved and colloidal P covering a broad range of agricultural soil types and tyr to investigate how aspects of agricultural practices influence the potential P mobility.

Our group will mainly be involved in analysing the plant available P (Olsen P) in order to describe how the plant available P depends on explanatory variables.

The project is lead by Gitte Rubæk (Department of Agroecology and environment)

NLES4 – Nitrogen Leaching from agricultural fields

The purpose of the project is to improve the existing NLES3 model for prediction of nitrogen leaching under different growing conditions

Our group will be responsible for the statistical analyses of leaching recorded in trials and on private farms.

The project is lead by Uffe Jørgensen (Department of Agroecology and environment)

IMPACT – Impacts and adoption to climate change in cropping systems

The purpose of the project is to analyse likely impacts of climate change on arable cropping systems in Denmark with particular reference to drop quality, N cycling, nitrate leaching and changes in occurrence of pests and diseases.

Our group will mainly be involved in the analyses of existing long term trial in order to evaluate the effect of climate on crop yield.

The project is lead by Jørgen E. Olesen (Department of Agroecology and environment)