Indtastning af et indlæg via live writer

at 30 January 2007

En måde at indtaste et indlæg er at bruge live writer der er et lille program hvor man kan skrive sine indlæg 'offline' og herefter ligge dem i en blog.

Live writer er et godt program, hvis man fx har flere blogs at administre og ønsker at kunne sidde og arbejde i et 'Wordlike' interface.  

For at bruge live writer skal du gøre følgende:

  1. Installer live writer og åbne programmet.
  2. Du skal nu tilføje din blog hvilket gøres ved at indtaste url'en til bloggen.
  3. Du skal også bruge dit brugernavn og dit password.
  4. Herefter skulle du kunne indtaste et indlæg og trykke på knappen 'publish' når du ønsker at udgive indlægget.

Fejl i SAS

at 17 January 2007

Både SAS version 8.2 og 9.1.3 laver forkerte beregninger, når man har mere end een random sætninger hvor covarians har: type=sp(...)

Der finde opdateringer til begee versioner af SAS:

Hotfix for V9:
Hotfix for V8:

For at installere Hotfix for vesion 9 skal man først installeres Sevicepack 4

Jeg har bedt om at få dette rettet på Linux, men det er p.t. endnu ikke gjort.

SASweave - writing LaTeX docs and SAS (and R) code together

at 12 January 2007

A looooong time ago I wrote a small package allowing combining LaTeX, SAS and R into one document. I never took the work any further than the first version...

Russ Lenth from Iowa found it on the Web and he has now created a fully functional program called "SASweave" (see the link) - mainly for working with SAS and LaTeX together, but it is also possible to use it additionally with R code. We are currently writing a little paper about the program, so any input/comments/experiences from you will be appreciated. Currently I am using it when preparing the lecture slides etc. for out mixed model course in Spring 2007. It works fairly well - if I may say so...

Course in generalized linear models

at 09 January 2007

In spring 2007 (start: 26. February) the Unit of Statistic and Decision Analysis offers a course in generalized linear models with biological applications.

The course introduces the modeling (regression analysis) of non-normal observations as for example counts and proportions. Methods to handle correlated observations will also be introduced. The lectures are accompanied by computing exercises using the statistical package ‘R’. Due to its versatility and graphical capacities it has something to offer even to the experienced SAS user.

The course is open to everyone with basic knowledge in statistics. The course is free of charge for PhD students, and other students and employees affiliated to the faculty of agricultural sciences. For other participants the course fee is 12000 DKK. The course has been approved as a PhD course (9 ECTS points) on former KVL.

For additional information please check the course homepage

Best regards

Ulrich Halekoh

Using the SQLite database in connection with SAS and R

at 03 January 2007

I have made this small document which explains how to set up an SQLite database and use it from both SAS and R. Working with SQLite is very easy. Comments will be appreciated; I guess the document could be of use in connection with our teaching.