The purpose of the project is to develop 3-D models of the body of slaughter pigs based on CT images for
- Product optimization: characterization of slaughter quality is related to marked demands.
- Product development: new dissections of the body performed via the virtual model can be analyzed with respect to slaughter quality and economical consequences.
- Predictor finding: Identification of measurable characteristics of the slaughter body related to slaughter quality that can be used for online measurements and consultation for farmers under production.
Our group is responsible for the identification of measurable predictors (part 3). An experiment is conducted by Pia Nissen (Department of Food Science, DJF) to gain information about the development of the pig body and to test the robustness of predictors developed on already scanned slaughter pigs.
The project is lead by Eli Vibeke Olsen(Danish Meat Association) in collaboration with DTU and DJF.
Project repsonsible (part 3): Ulrich Halekoh
Project period: 2006-2008 (months 8)