Statistical Reviewers Improve Reporting in Biomedical Articles: A Randomized Trial

at 28 March 2007

Det er et stykke tid siden, der har været indlæg på bloggen, så hvorfor ikke dette link til en artikel i tidsskriftet PLoS One:

Statistical Reviewers Improve Reporting in Biomedical Articles: A Randomized Trial

Og jeg ved godt at det ikke er alle, der vil betragte artiklens konklusioner som en nyhed.

Biosens II

at 13 March 2007

The Biosens II project deals with improved monitoring and management of dairy production and milk quality based on on-farm biosensors.

In the work package which we are primily involved with we focus on developing self-adjusting dynamic statistical models to predict oestrus and mastitis from inline measurements and Markov decision models to find optimal decision strategies.

Project period: 2007-2011

Project participants from our group include Lars Relund Nielsen, Erik Jørgensen and Søren Højsgaard

Data and program examples from SAS for Mixed Models

at 09 March 2007

In our current mixed model course we use the book SAS for Mixed Models, Second Edition by Ramon C. Littell, George A. Milliken, Walter W. Stroup, Russell D. Wolfinger, and Oliver Schabenberger

This is the first time we use the 2nd edition of the book. The changes in the second edition includes extensive use of the output delivery system (ODS) and examples using e.g. PROC NLMIXED and PROC GLIMMIX rather than the glimmix macro used in the 1st edition.

Participants in our previous courses might be interested in updating the file with program and data examples. It can be downloaded from the companion page above. The link to the file is a little different to find on the page, so you may just follow this link to program examples and data

Web adgang til Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series AB..

at 05 March 2007

Jeg har nylig været på jagt efter en artikel i serie B i ovennævnte tidsskrift. Et weblink førte mig til IngentaConnect men der har vi kun adgang til abstracts. Så prøvede jeg bibliotekets tidsskriftliste på intranettet. Det førte mig til SwetsWise, men der var der kun adgang til table of contents.

Det næste forsøg førte til tidsskriftets udgivere, Blackwell, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Der var der succes !!.

(Næsten, - april nummeret var tilgængeligt de andre steder, men endnu ikke på Blackwells sider - men mon ikke det dukker op.)

Jeg håber andre kan spare lidt tid ved at gå direkte til Blackwell.