Hjemmeside om R.A. Fisher

at 28 February 2006

Jeg stødte på den her hjemmeside om Fisher. Den ser ud til at give en god oversigt oversigt om hans forskning, publikationer og skærmydsler. Så hvis man er i tivivl om Neymann, Pearson, Wright etc. så kan man blive oplyst. Fishers involvering med tobaksindustrien er vist ikke beskrevet, men om ikke andet antyder billedet jo en hang til en pibe tobak.

R packages

I have now installed a R package repository on our webserver.
The main reason was, that I wanted a R repository, such that our courses data package
can be installed straightforwardly using the install.packages funtion.

In the directory on our web server


findes en subdirectory structure
bin > windows> contrib > 2.2
and in the lowest direcotry you find
1) zip filen af den datapackage datRep we use in our courses
2) PACKAGES file, that is just a file containing the contents of the DESCRIPTION file of
the packages in this directory.

You access the directory from the net via:

It is possible to install the data-package from R by

We need to discuss how we mange the package repository in future.

Whenever a new -zip file is added to the directory, the PACKAGES file has to be updated.

Someone adding a package has to do two steps

a) copy his zip file to
b) running the function write_PACKAGES of the tools package


I think, this functions has to be executed in R on the unix machine.

(At the moment I do everything on my PC and copy everything to the web-sever)

I hope that my initiative was not too premature.
